
Tech Rising from Community Banking

Our CEO, Nathan Baumeister, was able to join Hunter Young on The Financial Experience Podcast. When community banks look at their customer bases closely, it’s amazing where insights can lead. ZSuite Technologies, which was born out of Leader Bank, a $2 billion asset community bank based in the Greater Boston area, started by addressing the pain that property managers felt in the collection of rent. And as these in-house tools were proven, new opportunities emerged around escrow management.

Nathan shares how the company grew from Leader Bank’s customer-centric mindset, and details his most vital processes for growth: listening carefully to customers, building knowledge of verticals within the institution, and developing tailor-made tools that provide additional value. Looking toward the future of financial services, Nathan is excited by the threats that exist, whether it be consolidation or different technology players taking parts of existing customer bases. The team at ZSuite is invigorated by these challenges, and Nathan suggests that “if it’s hard, a lot of people won’t do it.”

Listen to the full episode at