
Accelerated: The Evolution of One Bank’s Product into a Spin-Off Fintech

ZSuite CEO Nathan Baumeister along with Marc Romvos, Leader Bank’s Senior Vice President – Business and Government Banking joined William Mills and The Venture Center on Accelerated, a podcast that considers the process of fintech-banking deals and how they affect the industry. Nathan and Marc tell the story of how a technology initially launched by Leader Bank has turned into a new fintech.

The idea for ZSuite was formed from a challenge the bank was facing: the ability to streamline how property managers and owners collected rents and security deposits. Baumeister explains how ZSuite was created by keeping the bank’s curious and problem-solving nature within the fintech while adding the ability to build in complex API-first platforms.  

When considering product development and customer experience, the two emphasize that it’s not always clear what customers truly want, even when asked for feedback. Instead, you can interpret customer preferences and work together to get desired results. They stressed the importance of listening and building together.  

You can watch the whole interview on YouTube here: